The Harrison County Chamber of Commerce remains active throughout the course of the year. We offer a number of events and activities for our members to participate. The major events throughout the year include:

Business After Hours

The Chamber hosts a Business After Hours networking events on a regular basis. These events are generally sponsored by a Chamber member and held at different locations throughout the county. These events allow members the opportunity to network and to learn more about the sponsoring businesses. If you would like to sponsor an After Hours, please contact the Chamber. All events are posted on the calendar, so, keep an eye out for upcoming events!

Business@Breakfast Series

The Chamber hosts a Business@Breakfast event featuring a current topic of interest. These events are generally sponsored by a Chamber member and allow members the opportunity to network and to learn more about specific topics of interest from a featured speaker or panel of speakers. See the calendar for details of the next Business@Breakfast.

Annual Dinner Celebration

Each year, the Chamber holds a large annual celebration dinner open to all of its members. This year, the Chamber celebrates its 101st year of service to the business community. At the dinner, the Chamber recognizes various accomplishments by both individuals and businesses throughout the community. This large event is generally well attended from throughout the area, and always highlights a prominent key note speaker. This event is generally held in May, and the date will be posted on the calendar when available.

Legislative Preview

The Chamber annually hosts a Legislative Preview for its members. This event allows members to network with our local Senators and Delegates prior to the Legislative session in Charleston.

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